Victoria Star

  1. +14147583861
  2. 29 Years
  3. 5' 6"
  4. 139 Lbs
  5. 6 IN
  6. Hair Brown hair
  7. Eyes Brown
  8. Skin White
  9. Waxing Fully shaved
  10. Body Thin
  11. Breast Normal
  12. Butt Median
  13. BioType Normal

Working Hours


Hourly Rate

USD $450

About Me

Sexy and beuty model real for OF GET MORE AND onlyfans/trans-girl appreciate you taking the time to read my entire ad I am selective in whom I choose to spend my time with.Upon contacting me I ask... Continuar leyendo
Sexy and beuty model real for OF GET MORE AND onlyfans/trans-girl appreciate you taking the time to read my entire ad I am selective in whom I choose to spend my time with.Upon contacting me I ask that you elabortie in detail when introducing yourself. Anyone contacting me that does not give a wel...


I'm located in Milwaukee Wisconsin United States
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Will be in Milwaukee next week would be available for 2 hours? Jeffrey.
Iwant to be your slave
California boy
I was in milwaukee she's great and when I said that because I mean it
Most gorgeous woman very sweet 😋